If you ever believed that the skin having skin tags can eventually develop to be a skin cancer, in fact, the skin tags have no harm and it cannot cause skin cancer as well. The skin tags can often be found in areas where the skin is frequently rubbed, such as the neck, armpits, foldable joint, and groin area. They are usually found in people over 30 years old or in some people they may cause by heredity. Once the skin tags have developed, there won’t be any harm to the health and body but they cause an unclean look, lose your confidence, and sometimes there may be friction with the clothes worn until it causes burning, itching, or annoyance. The easy way to avoid it by wearing clothes that are not too tight, or another way is to treat the skin tags by a laser with a laser doctor.

One of our patients, Ms. Jeans, has skin tags around neck and shoulder areas caused by heredity also her family members have the same problem. Initially, her skin tags were not that many, but as she became older the skin tags spread more and more, losing her confidence. She was usually asked by others what she does to have the skin tags like this and what they cause, so she always uses her hair to cover them all the time due to she doesn’t want to answer these questions. This decreased her confidence in living and decided to come to treat skin tags at BSL Clinic.

How good is it to treat the skin tags at BSL?
At BSL Clinic, we are using a laser to treat skin tags which the doctors has to well understand about the laser usage, have to specialize in adjusting laser settings and gradually use the laser to remove the skin tags, and trim the edges to prevent future scarring. In addition, the medical team also offers good advices for taking care of yourself after skin tags removal treatment as follows:

- Avoid the treated area to touch the water in the first 3-5 days. In case that the area has to touch the water, use a clean cloth to absorb immediately.
- In case that the treated area is in the face area, a non-alcoholic make-up remover can be used to clean the face.
- Apply anti-inflammatory and antibiotic ointment regularly in the morning and before bed.
- Do not pick and scratch the scabs that occur after the treatment. It will come off naturally for about 7-10 days to prevent scarring.
- After the scab has fallen off, should apply a sunscreen in the treated area and should avoid strong sunlight
- 2 weeks after laser treatment, should see a doctor to check the wound healing.
Here comes how result is the most impressive
Since Ms. Jeans’ skin tags are caused by heredity, the doctor provided the information that she can develop the skin tags again (in other areas that never treated before). But in the area that has already been treated, there is rarely a chance to develop the skin tags again. The doctor also suggested how to take care of yourself in detail but easy to understand and follow to reduce a chance of the skin tags to develop again. The result shown that all of Ms. Jeans’ skin tags are gone within 21 days after the treatment without leaving any scar. However, the result depends on her determination and discipline in taking care of herself after the treatment as recommended by the doctors, making the results impressive and without side effects. Making her to have more confidence in life, dare to tie her hair, wear an off the shoulder shirt without having to worry about whether today she will be asked about the skin tags or not, because her skin tags have disappeared.

Note: “Individual results may vary.”

Note: “Individual results may vary.”

Note: “Individual results may vary.”

Skin Tags
Can be Treat in One Treatment
“Impressed in BSL Clinic from the first day of treatment. And the attention and service after the treatment is very good.”
Treatment methods that you should be careful of
Normally, the skin tags can be treated in one treatment, and there are a lot of methods to treat the skin tags such as electrocautery, surgery, or using liquid nitrogen. It cannot be denied that the treatments as mentioned above can actually treat the skin tags to disappear. But the biggest concern is these methods do not have scope control during treatment because the instrument method is not able to adjust the energy setting. Thus, these methods are not as accurate as it could risk scarring the skin after the treatment.

Bit of Knowledge
If you have the skin tags on your skin, you may be more or less worried about how to treat them. Let’s see how different between each method of skin tags treatment to find your meet to needs and suitable treatment.

Therefore, if you have the skin tags, it is the best option to treat them with a doctors. Because it is safe, reduces irritation and reduces the risk of scarring in the future.

Individuals should consider CO2 ablative laser therapy for a comprehensive treatment of the following skin conditions:


Melanocytic nevus

Seborrheic Keratosis

Skin Tags



Sebaceous Gland Hyperplasia

Epidermal Inclusion Cyst