Sensitive Skin and Seborrheic Dermatitis - BSL Clinic

Sensitive Skin and Seborrheic Dermatitis


There are various types of sensitive skin including eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and facial redness. The occurrence of these skin conditions may be due to the extensive exposure to pollution, dust, chemical substances, sun’s Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, inadequate environmental living conditions, poor intake of nutritional foods and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Individuals with sensitive skin will often experience symptoms of skin rashes, flushing, redness, itchiness and irritability.

The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis produce skin flakiness, rashes, redness and irritation. They are found on both sides of the cheekbones, between the eye brows, sides of the nose, along the front of the hairline, behind and inside the ears.

Characteristics of Patients with Sensitive Skin


Skin itchiness creating irritability


The application of cosmetic products results in allergies


Facial redness and dryness


Sweating due to increased sun exposure leading to itchiness, rashes, redness and irritation on the face, neck, chest or back


Irritating itching and red rashs usually occur on skin that has been exposed to sunlight


Sweating causes irritation on the face

Level of Sensitive Skin








Negative Effects of Steroid Use

The use of steroid treatment for sensitive skin and seborrheic dermatitis is not recommended. The following are the negative effects of steroid use:

Steps in the Treatment of Sensitive Skin


Step 1

Reducing facial redness, inflammation and rashes


Step 2

Stimulating the construction of new skin cells

Step 3

Regenerating healthy skin cells

The following steps detail BSL Clinic’s treatment of sensitive skin:


Step 1 – Reducing facial redness, inflammation and rashes

light laser therapy is undertaken to minimise the direct causes of skin inflammation and irritation. The advanced laser technology focuses on regenerating the deteriorated cells underneath the surface of the skin. It also stimulates the production of collagen. Once skin cells become healthier, the surface layer of the skin strengthens and the facial redness, inflammation and rashes disappear. These results are the overall improvement of the skin.


Step 2 – Stimulating the construction of new skin cells

a combination of advanced laser technology with natural moisturising and ceramides to create new healthy skin cells, preventing skin sensitivity and irritation. Laser treatment is utilised to stimulate the construction of new cells underneath the surface of the skin. The surrounding skin will not be harmed throughout this process due to the laser’s accuracy of the targeted area. It takes approximately one month to form new collagen and another three months (vary between individuals) to build a new skin cell structure.


Step 3 – Regenerating healthy skin cells

US FDA approved cell therapy is undertaken to restore, protect, and improve skin conditions and directly increases skin moistness. The structure of the skin includes 40% protein, 40% water and compounds, and 20% fat. BSL Clinic’s Skinesia skin care products have been developed using the finest quality ingredients, which aid in the stimulation of new skin cells to protect and regenerate deteriorated skin cells. It also increases moistness and prevents irritation of the skin, bringing about long-term positive outcomes.

Individual result may vary.

Before and After Treatments of Seborrheic Dermatitis – Took four treatment sessions within a four-month period at BSL Clinic.

Follow-up After Two Years – A healthy looking skin is apparent and the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis has not returned. The results confirm the treatment’s long-term effectiveness and high standards of safety.

Individual result may vary.

Before and After Treatments – The patient being exposed to sunlight will significantly experience a major reduction in redness, rashes, sensitive and irritable skin. The presence of skin problems are lessened and the overall skin is in healthy condition.

Individual result may vary.

Before and After Treatments – Skin sensitivity is considerably minimised. Within a three-month period, the skin returned to its healthy condition.

Before and After Treatments for Sensitive Skin

Individual result may vary.
Individual result may vary.
Individual result may vary.
Individual result may vary.
Individual result may vary.
Individual result may vary.

There are various types of sensitive skin including eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and facial redness. The occurrence of these skin conditions may be due to the extensive exposure to pollution, dust, chemical substances, sun’s Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, inadequate environmental living conditions, poor intake of nutritional foods and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Individuals with sensitive skin will often experience symptoms of skin rashes, flushing, redness, itchiness and irritability.

The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis produce skin flakiness, rashes, redness and irritation. They are found on both sides of the cheekbones, between the eye brows, sides of the nose, along the front of the hairline, behind and inside the ears.

Characteristics of Patients with Sensitive Skin

Skin itchiness creating irritability
The application of cosmetic products results in allergies
Facial redness and dryness
Sweating due to increased sun exposure leading to itchiness, rashes, redness and irritation on the face, neck, chest or back
The application of cosmetic products results in allergies
Sweating causes irritation on the face


  • Thin skin, mildly red and slightly flaky
  • Red rashes in a shape of a butterfly on both sides of the cheekbones
  • Rashes occurring in the forehead area


  • Red rashes on both sides of the cheekbones and forehead
  • Rashes along the hairline area and behind the ears
  • Skin irritation and redness


  • Red rashes on the forehead, along the hairline area and behind both ears
  • Red rashes on the scalp
  • Red rashes on both sides of the cheekbones
  • Red rashes along the jawlines, upper neck, chest and back
  • Red heat rashes, itchiness and stinging pain
  • Scabs and flakiness of the skin
Individual results may vary.

Negative Effects of Steroid Use

The use of steroid treatment for sensitive skin and seborrheic dermatitis is not recommended. The following are the negative effects of steroid use:

  • Thinner skin
  • Skin rashes and inflammation
  • Sunlight sensitivity
  • Skin redness
  • Increased usage due to medication resistance

Steps in the Treatment of Sensitive Skin

Step 1 – Reducing facial redness, inflammation and rashes

Step 2 – Stimulating the construction of new skin cells

Step 3 – Regenerating healthy skin cells

The following steps detail BSL Clinic’s treatment of sensitive skin:

Individual results may vary.

Step 1 – Reducing facial redness, inflammation and rashes – light laser therapy is undertaken to minimise the direct causes of skin inflammation and irritation. The advanced laser technology focuses on regenerating the deteriorated cells underneath the surface of the skin. It also stimulates the production of collagen. Once skin cells become healthier, the surface layer of the skin strengthens and the facial redness, inflammation and rashes disappear. These results are the overall improvement of the skin.

Individual results may vary.

Step 2 – Stimulating the construction of new skin cells – a combination of advanced laser technology with natural moisturising and ceramides to create new healthy skin cells, preventing skin sensitivity and irritation. Laser treatment is utilised to stimulate the construction of new cells underneath the surface of the skin. The surrounding skin will not be harmed throughout this process due to the laser’s accuracy of the targeted area. It takes approximately one month to form new collagen and another three months (vary between individuals) to build a new skin cell structure.

Individual results may vary.

Step 3 – Regenerating healthy skin cells – US FDA approved cell therapy is undertaken to restore, protect, and improve skin conditions and directly increases skin moistness. The structure of the skin includes 40% protein, 40% water and compounds, and 20% fat. BSL Clinic’s Skinesia skin care products have been developed using the finest quality ingredients, which aid in the stimulation of new skin cells to protect and regenerate deteriorated skin cells. It also increases moistness and prevents irritation of the skin, bringing about long-term positive outcomes.

Individual results may vary.

The results?

Individual results may vary.

Before and After Treatments of Seborrheic Dermatitis – Took four treatment sessions within a four-month period at BSL Clinic.

Follow-up After Two Years – A healthy looking skin is apparent and the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis has not returned. The results confirm the treatment’s long-term effectiveness and high standards of safety.

Individual results may vary.

Before and After Treatments – The patient being exposed to sunlight will significantly experience a major reduction in redness, rashes, sensitive and irritable skin. The presence of skin problems are lessened and the overall skin is in healthy condition.

Individual results may vary.

Before and After Treatments – Skin sensitivity is considerably minimised. Within a three-month period, the skin returned to its healthy condition.

Individual results may vary.

Before and After Treatments for Sensitive Skin

Individual results may vary.

Before and After Treatments for Sensitive Skin

Individual results may vary.
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